Göngu-Hrólfs saga
British Library:
BL Add. 11159
BL Add. 11117
BL Add. 11163
BL Add. 11162
BL Add. 4863
BL Add. 4859
BL Add 4857
Den Arnamagnæanske Samling:
Rask 35
Det Kongelige Bibliotek:
GKS 1003 fol.
Kall 254 fol.
NKS 1178 fol.
GKS 1006 fol.
NKS 1144 fol.
NKS 1746 4to
NKS 1747 4to
NKS 1147 fol.
Kungliga biblioteket:
Engestr. B. III. 1. 20.
Papp. 4to nr 7
Rål. 4to nr 43
Papp. 8vo nr 8
Papp. 4to nr 30
Papp. 4to nr 17
Rål. fol. nr 25
Papp. fol. nr 88
Landsbókasafn Íslands, Handritasafn:
ÍBR 59 4to
Lbs 1998 4to
Lbs 1304 8vo
JS 411 8vo
JS 625 4to
ÍB 43 fol.
JS 11 8vo
ÍB 165 4to
Lbs 2405 8vo
ÍB 395 8vo
Lbs 5145 4to
Lbs 3626 4to
Lbs 675 fol.
Lbs 2319 4to
Lbs 4547 8vo
ÍB 210 8vo
ÍB 144 4to
ÍBR 6 fol.
Lbs 3625 4to
Lbs 4816 4to
Lbs 1353 8vo
ÍB 269 4to
ÍB 593 8vo
Lbs 413 4to
ÍB 210 4to
ÍB 283 8vo
Lbs 4460 8vo
Lbs 1497 4to
Private Collection:
Jón Samsonarson (4to-brot 648 s.)
Säfstaholmssamlingen I Papp. 13
Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Preußischer Kulturbesitz:
Ms Germ qu. 27
Stofnun Árna Magnússonar í íslenskum fræðum:
AM 591 e 4to
AM 589 f 4to
GKS 2845 4to
AM 587 c 4to
Add. 2 8vo
AM 576 a 4to
AM 338 4to
AM 552 d 4to
Trinity College Library and Royal Irish Academy:
MS L.2.32
Universitätsbibliothek, Rostock Universitet:
Mss. philol. 78
Universitetsbiblioteket, Bergens Universitet:
UBB Ms. 58
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Also in: Sagas légendaires islandaises. Toulouse: Anacharsis, 2012, 741-823.
Also in: Sagas légendaires islandaises. Toulouse: Anacharsis, 2012, 741-823.
"Soga om Gange-Rolv." In Sagalitteraturen, edited by Oslo: Norske samlaget, 1984.
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"Die Saga von Göngu-Hrolf." In Sagas aus der Vorzeit, edited by Stuttgart: Kröner, 2020.
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"Untersuchungen zur Gǫngu-Hrólfs saga." Pts. 1 and 2. Arkiv för nordisk filologi 47 (1931): 309-346; 48 (1932): 31-60.*
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"Hreggviðr's Revenge: Supernatural Forces in Göngu-Hrólfs saga." Scandinavian Studies 70 (1998): 313-324.*
"Magic Mirrors, Monsters, Maiden-Kings: The Fantastic in Riddarasögur." In The Fantastic in Old Norse/Icelandic Literature: Sagas and the British Isles; Preprint Papers of The 13th International Saga Conference; Durham and York, 6th-12th August, 2006, edited by 2: 660-670. Durham: The Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Durham University, 2006.
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"Gǫngu-Hrólfs saga." In Medieval Scandinavia: An Encyclopedia, edited by 254-255. New York: Garland, 1993.*
"Truth and Lies in the fornaldarsögur: The Prologue to Göngu-Hrólfs saga." In Fornaldarsagaerne: Myter og virkelighed; Studier i de oldislandske "fornaldarsögur Norðurlanda", edited by 361-378. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum, 2009.*
"Gange-Rolvs strandhugg." Maal og minne (1912): 104-107.*
"Das russische Brautwerbermärchen in Nibelungenlied." Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur 72 (1950): 463-498.
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Also in: "Das russische Brautwerbermärchen in Nibelungenlied." In Zur germanisch-deutschen Heldensage: Sechzehn Aufsätze zum neuen Forschungsstand, edited by 138-169. Wege der Forschung 14. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1965.
"The Name Gǫngu-Hrólf in the Old Norse Gǫngu-Hrólfs saga." Literary Onomastics Studies 1 (1974): 47-52.*
"Böse Blicke, Gift und Feuer: Drachenkämpfe am Beispiel der isländischen Gǫngu-Hrólfs saga sowie von Thors Fischzug." helden. heroes. héros: E-Journal zu Kulturen des Heroischen 3.1 (2015): 123-134.*
"Religious Visions and Christian Rule in Old Icelandic Romance." In The Fantastic in Old Norse/Icelandic Literature: Sagas and the British Isles; Preprint Papers of The 13th International Saga Conference; Durham and York, 6th-12th August, 2006, edited by 2: 826-835. Durham: The Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Durham University, 2006.
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"Das Problem der mündlichen Erzählprosa im Altnordischen." Skandinavistik 11, no. 2 (1981): 89-95.
Also in: Edda, Saga, Skaldendichtung: Aufsätze zur skandinavischen Literatur des Mittelalters. Skandinavistische Arbeiten 6. Heidelberg: Winter, 1981, 506-510.
Also in: Edda, Saga, Skaldendichtung: Aufsätze zur skandinavischen Literatur des Mittelalters. Skandinavistische Arbeiten 6. Heidelberg: Winter, 1981, 506-510.
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"The Viking Ball Game." Scandinavian Studies 87 (2015): 167-188.
"Göngu-Hrólfur á galeiðunni." Skáldskaparmál 1 (1990): 131-141.*
"Physiology and Behaviour in the Sagas." Viking and Medieval Scandinavia 8 (2012): 279-297.
* Red asterisks denote particularly recommended titles.