Þorsteins saga Víkingssonar

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Leclercq, J., ed. "La Saga de Thorstein, fils de Viking." Revue Britannique 2 (1893):
Also in: Leclercq, J., ed. "La Saga de Thorstein, fils de Viking." In Racines celtiques et germaniques, edited by Jean-Claude Polet. Patrimoine litteraire europeen 3. Bruxelles: De Boeck Université, 1992. [extract]
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Simpson, Jacqueline, and G. N. Garmonsway, eds. Beowulf and its Analogues. London: Dent, 1968.
Stitt, J. Michael, ed. Beowulf and the Bear's Son: Epic, Saga, and Fairytale in Northern Germanic Tradition. The Albert Bates Lord Studies in Oral Tradition 8. New York: Garland, 1992.
Waggoner, Ben, ed. The Sagas of Fridthjof the Bold. New Haven: Troth Publications, 2009.

Battista, Simonetta. "Blámenn and Other Representations of Evil in Old Norse Translation Literaturedjǫflar." In The Fantastic in Old Norse/Icelandic Literature: Sagas and the British Isles; Preprint Papers of The 13th International Saga Conference; Durham and York, 6th-12th August, 2006, edited by John McKinnell, David Ashurst and Donata Kick, 1: 113-122. Durham: The Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Durham University, 2006.
Braude, L. "Frithiofs saga av E. Tegnér och dess isländska källor." Skrifter om Skandinavien 11 (1966): 224-235.
Clunies Ross, Margaret. "Snorri Sturluson's Use of the Norse Origin-Legend of the Sons of Fornjótr in his Edda." Arkiv för nordisk filologi 98 (1983): 47-66.*
Ferrari, Fulvio. "La Þorsteins saga Víkingssonar e la questione dei generi." Studi Nordici 1 (1994): 11-23.*
Gould, Chester Nathan. "The Source of an Interpolation in the Hjalmtérs saga ok Ölvis." Modern Philology 7, no. 2 (1909): 207-216.*
Hermann Pálsson. "Þorsteins saga Víkingssonar." In Dictionary of the Middle Ages, edited by Joseph R. Strayer, 12: 47. New York: Scribner, 1989.*
Larrington, Carolyne. "Awkward Adolescents: Male Maturation in Old Norse Literature." In Northern World: Youth and Age in the Medieval North, edited by Shannon Lewis-Simpson, 151-166. The Northern World 42. Leiden: Brill, 2007.*
Lethbridge, Emily. "The Place of Þorsteins saga Víkingssonar in Eggertsbók, a Late Medieval Icelandic Saga-Book." In The Legendary Sagas: Origins and Development, edited by Annette Lassen, Agneta Ney and Ármann Jakobsson, 375-403. Reykjavík: University of Iceland Press, 2012.*
Lethbridge, Emily. "Authors and Anonymity, Texts and Their Contexts: The Case of Eggertsbók." In Modes of Authorship in the Middle Ages, edited by Slavica Ranković, Ingvil Brügger Budal, Aidan Conti, Leidulf Melve and Else Mundal, 343-364. Papers in Mediaeval Studies 22. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2012.
Mundal, Else. "Fylgja." In Medieval Scandinavia: An Encyclopedia, edited by Phillip Pulsiano, 624-625. New York: Garland, 1993.
Noreen, Adolf. "Namnet Fridtjuv." In Spridda studier: Populära uppsatser, 3: 75-78. Stockholm: Aktiebolaget Ljus, 1913.
Rowe, Elizabeth Ashman. "Absent Mothers and the Sons of Fornjótr: Late-Thirteenth-Century Monarchist Ideology in Þorsteins saga Víkingssonar." Mediaeval Scandinavia 14 (2004): 133-160.*
Schlözer, August Ludwig. Isländische Litteratur und Geschichte: Erster Teil. Göttingen: Dieterich, 1773.
Simek, Rudolf. "Þorsteins saga Víkingssonar." In Medieval Scandinavia: An Encyclopedia, edited by Phillip Pulsiano, 675. New York: Garland, 1993.*
Thurber, B. A. "The Viking Ball Game." Scandinavian Studies 87 (2015): 167-188.
* Red asterisks denote particularly recommended titles.



M. J. Driscoll
Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics
University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 136 & Emil Holms Kanal 2
DK-2300 Copenhagen S